Fee Structure Policy

Effective date: 03/2023

1031taxinfo.com, 1031 Real Estate Exchange Specialist, and Cooney & Associates are one in the same. At 1031taxinfo.com, we are committed to being transparent about our fees and pricing. This fee structure policy outlines the various fees and charges that you may incur when you use our products or services.

Regular Deferred Exchange (Forward Exchange)

Description: A regular deferred exchange, also known as a forward exchange, allows you to defer taxes on the sale of investment property by reinvesting the proceeds into a new investment property.

Price breakdown (as of March 3, 2023):

  • $1,150 for a regular deferred exchange

  • $750 for the first sell

  • $400 for the first buy

  • $400 for each additional buy/sell

Reverse Exchange

Description: A reverse exchange allows you to acquire a replacement property before selling your existing property.

Price breakdown (as of March 3, 2023):

  • $4,500 for a reverse exchange

  • $4,000 for the first reverse buy

  • $500 for the first reverse sell

  • $2,000 for each additional buy

  • $500 for each additional sell

Improvement / Construction Exchange

Description: An improvement or construction exchange allows you to use exchange proceeds to make improvements or construct a new property.

Price breakdown (as of March 3, 2023):

  • $4,500 for an improvement or construction exchange

  • $2,000 for each additional buy

  • $500 for each additional sell

Extension (Out of Safe-Harbor)

Description: An extension allows you to extend the 180-day deadline for completing a 1031 exchange if you meet certain requirements.

Price: $100 for an extension

Cancellation Fee

Description: If you cancel a 1031 exchange after it has been initiated, you may be subject to a cancellation fee.

Price: $350 for a cancellation fee

Please note that these fees are subject to change at any time. We will make every effort to notify you of any changes to our fee structure, but it is ultimately your responsibility to check our website or contact us for the most up-to-date information on our fees.

If you have any questions or concerns about our fees or pricing, please contact us at exchange@1031taxinfo.com.